Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's moi przyjaciele

I thought I would start the year off on a different musical note than what I usually have here.

First of all I like musicals and West Side Story of course is a classic.
This film came out in 1961. Too think that it is 50 years old this year and had the lyrics that are in this and it won 10 of 11 Academy Awards is pretty amazing. Still relevant today I would say.

The swelling in my knee has gone down significantly. There is also more flexibility.
I think my visit with the orthopedic doctor will be a good one.

I think I am going to take a drive today and shoot pictures from the truck.
The weather is about perfect for a nice drive.

2012 will be the year of losing weight, getting my pictures in another gallery and hopefully going to France with my brother and sister-in-law.

Be well in 2012.


Anonymous said...

NPR had a big todo about the movie and had a few of the stars on.
I take it for granted you screwed up your left leg.
France sounds like a winner.

Mark said...

The story line fits well today.

I sent you an email on the leg.

France would be a sure winner.

Anonymous said...

I loved that musical when I was a little girl. Unfortunately the parts when the actors were singing weren't translated.

There are Polish words in the title of your post, Mark. :-)
moi przyjaciele = my friends
BTW, Polish belongs to the family of inflectional languages, so the expression 'moi przyjaciele' has many different forms; everything depends on the concrete sentence.
1. There are no here my friends/moich przyjaciół.
2. I spent the holidays with my friends/ moimi przyjaciółmi.
3. I was talking about my friends/ moich przyjaciołach.
So ... 'my friends' is constant, 'moi przyjaciele' is variable.

You used very good form, Mark. Yes, this is grammatical: Happy New Year moi przyjaciele!

Sorry for this too long comment, mój przyjacielu but I want you to know taht the languages and the dictionaries are my love.

Glad you feel much better.:-)

Mark said...

Te musical is still pretty right on in its social commentary.

I am glad the words came out right.
Google translator gave me a few options. When I tried phrases it gave me the one I used.

Is that how Ken reads your blog?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that Ken reads my blog. Polish is not easy and I like rather long sentences. It's his mystery how he makes it that most of the text is clear for him.
I know how Google translator works but I don't use it. I could learn English grammar in my childhood so now I try to expand my vocabulary. If the words are unknown for me I check their meanings in my on-line dictionary or in my traditional dictionary which includes also a phonetic description.

I think most of the films I love are American. I buy DVDs. They are not expansive. Sometimes I watch them many times, usually with Polish subtitles because I want to listen to the voices of actors and their English words.

Have a good day, Mark. :-)

Mark said...

Ah. I'll get with Ken on that so i can read your blog. I tried Google translator and it did not do well in my opinion.

You write English very well so watching the movies has done the job for you.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right, my friend. Google translator doesn't cope with such inflectional languages like Polish.
Yes, watching the movies has done the job for me (an interesting expression: 'to do a job for someone') but the best is that I have American friends on the net; friends whom I like v. much and I can "listen" to them every evening. :-)