Monday, January 16, 2012


One Plastic Beach from High Beam Media on Vimeo.

The doctor visit went well yesterday. He was very happy with my progress. The x-rays looked very good. The brace in the picture above is what I am wearing now. At least now I can move my leg much easier. Getting in the truck is still a pain. I go back in two weeks. I expect full recovery soon.

The beach plastic video is something that I have wanted to do with plastic and other things I have found on the beach for many years. I need to get to the beach soon. i feel a beach roadtrip coming soon. I also have a bunch of army men I need to do something with.


Anonymous said...

Did the doc release you to the loving care of your employer?

You will probably come up with some nice decorative art pieces made from your collection.

Anonymous said...

I like this video about plastic things. Richard and Judith are charming couple. I haven't realized that the beaches are so polluted. I see first time such kind of art. V. interesting!

Mark said...

Unfortunately I am back sitting at my desk wishing I was elsewhere.

These folks are pretty cool. They are very happy with their job.
The beaches are clean for the most part, however there is plenty of plastic to be found and beaches along the ocean can yield quite a lot of junk.

One time a beach I was at had ton of trash that seemed to have been thrown overboard from a cruise ship. It included many needles from diabetic syringes.