Monday, January 30, 2012

Kettle them

So Saturday was another day of Occupy Oakland vs. the Oakland police and once again things got nasty.

One thing this video shows is there was no reason for the cops to fire on the protestors here.

Another thing not being reported in main stream media, msm, is what the protestors say happen at the YMCA. The police and the moronic mayor of Oakland say they broke into the YMCA. The protestors are saying the police were kettling them,, telling them to disperse while they had them completely surrounded. They end up at the doors of the YMCA and where surrounded by the police on three sides and the YMCA at their backs. They claim the people at the YMCA let them in so they could escape out the other side. Unfortunately for the police they have so little credibility here that one finds there stories hard swallow.

Occupy is coming out of its winter slumber.

I have a doc visit today to get a progress report on my leg. I am skipping into the office, well maybe not. I do expect a good report though.

Is it Friday yet.

Conversation I hear a work the other day regarding African Americans and how they feel.

"Why don't they get over it slavery ended 150 years ago."

"Yea I agree." from two different people.

Holy shit I had to keep my tongue at the risk of saying things that would have cost me my job. What a bunch of fools. Segregation did not end until 1965 and if you think Jim Crow does not exist today then you have no idea of what really goes on this world.

My job is killing me.


Anonymous said...

I was hoping Occupy would wake up as the weather promises better things.

Slavery isn't dead; it has been dormant for 150 years but when there are walking would-be slave holders still around, its threat and stigma are still present.

Good luck with the doc visit.

Mark said...

I think Occupy is ready for a spring revolution.

Dumb ignorant people. I just do not understand how these people have no clue to how the history of African Americans.

Wait till they realize that white American will not be a majority as the Hispanic population grows to the majority.