Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do you ache like I do

"Frampton Live' was the first real rock album I was ever given. Thanks to my cousins for this choice.

My body aches from using crutches, especially in the morning.

Wow, work is such a drag. So glad I am back.

Looking to refinance my mortgage to lower my monthly payment. I think I can lower it one % point.

Is posting this going to be a SOPA violation? If so "#$%& you" to Chris Dodd and company.

Time to soak in the tub and wake my bones up.

Have a Thursday.


Tammy said...

is the bruising gone? I'll bet you'll be ready to burn those crutches soon.

Anonymous said...

Frampton was one of my favorites from the 70's.
Yep, I probably 'feel like you do' about the crutches.
Good idea to refinance this early in your ownership of the house.

Mark said...

There is still bruising around my ankle and the bottom of my foot.

The crutches can not be gone soon enough.

I hope to lower my monthly payment.
That is my form of a raise.