Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ouch, I am getting screwed

Well the outcome at the doctors today was not good. The top of the tibia, on the left side of my left leg, has a nice break and then it gets smaller going done in a j looking line to the outside of the bone. The ultimate outcome is I am having two screws put in on Monday. It is outpatient surgery so I have to get a ride to and from the hospital. Then I also have to find someone to spend the night. My parents are out since my mom is still sick in bed with some kind of virus. Have no idea what to do about that at this point. Then about two months on crutches after that.

I have no food in the house for the most part. No bread, butter or milk. My knee is absolutely killing me tonight. It exhausts me to deal with this by this time of the day.

Now on to the song. Sung this at parties many times and at one wedding. The last party I was at the police came because we played the song over and over and were singing it very loud.


Tammy said...

Mike and I talked about this last night. We were waiting to see what was up with your mom. He will call you tonight. I know it is trying and you are frustrated. We are so sorry. Know that this too will pass. A very good country song which is on my iPod.

Anonymous said...

Carolyn and I are trying to make some arrangements to get over to you; we are down to one car and it is the work van.

Anonymous said...

It's v. difficult situation. I'm so sorry Mark. Hope one of your neighbours is ready to buy some food for you. I know it's not easy but please be patient and don't lose heart.

Mark said...

Ok. Well things took a better turn today. Looks like Brother Mike will be heading up on Saturday and taking care of me. A lovely act of kindness.

I greatly thank Ken and Carolyn for their offer to help me.

My neighbor Larry went to the store for me today as picked up bread, butter, milk and some ice tea mix for me.

What does one say but Thank You. This is what the whole world should be like.

My mom is feeling guilty she can't be here. However since she is still sick with her virus she has no reason to feel guilty. I do understand why she feels that way.

My leg is turning yellow and blood is in the bottom of my foot. Hard to keep good circulation with the brace.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Mike is coming to help and the neighbor went to store for you.

Anonymous said...

My damaged leg was yellow and purple and I had to train it 2 months after removing plaster, nevertheless I was walking and it was the most important.
I'm also glad (like Ken) that your friend Mike will be with you. It's a great piece of news, Mark. :-)