Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Morning Goodness

Hope you have a mystical morning.

Lovely day yesterday. Low 60's and lots of sun and not a cloud in the sky.
Took a few pictures and I am going to go out a took a bunch today.

Here is a great site that will keep you well informed about internet censorship.

Watch out because the U.S. will try to get around SOPA and ACTA by blackmailing other countries into retifying or passing their own versions. It is already happening.

Here is a protest in Warsaw.

Watch out big brother is coming to get you.

Have a great Sunday mi amigo's.


Anonymous said...

Allmans always good for a Sunday morning.
I think the Poles are more riled over ACTA than are Americans.

Anonymous said...

Young People in Poland are well educated, they love Internet and they know that ACTA is a threat for their freedom.
This protest surprised our government. One of our ministers felt guilty that he ignored voice of young people and didn't talk with them.
Good news from Poland in American TV. Thanks for this video, Mark.

Mark said...

Most Americans are totally unaware of ACTA.

Here is what the U.S. government is doing to countries.

Jola, the tv network is actually called "RT" it used to be known as Russia Today. I like it as it presents another prospective to what we see on CNN and so on.

Here is there Wikipedia page.

Anonymous said...

I've heard about RT. Russian journalism has good traditions. Thanks for the link, Mark.