Friday, January 29, 2010

Lets go to the beach!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a picture to help warm up your soul before the snow storm hits. This was taken at Daytona Beach in 2006. This may be the last ass stamp you get to see at any beach for a few days.
I think I may head out tomorrow for a nice walk in the storm and bring my camera along with me. I may be able to get some nice winter shots are the hood.
If I have power I will finish up my Monsanto story and post that this weekend. There will be no driving if the weather is as bad as they predict.
Peace my friends. Enjoy your weekend. I know I will.


Anonymous said...

The pic gives me the warm fuzzies.

Well, you are not a complete virgin to this kind of weather, although it may have been awhile since you were laid by Mom Nature's cold, clammy body. I imagine you will have some fun out and about in the hood.

Time for a re-read of Catcher in the Rye.

Take care.

Mark said...

Ha, where is Tammy's comment?

I love this weather. Have not had time to get sick of it yet. It will be fun to go out for a walk in the worst of it all.

Catcher is one of the greatest pieces that was ever written.

Tammy said...

I'm not happy about the caption "Tramp Stamp" Don't forget I've a few of those myself!!!

Stay warm. I have my grandfather's old copy of Catcher in the Rye on my bookshelf next to my tattered To Kill a Mockingbird, The Good Earth, and Mister God, This is Anna....never be without any of them. NPR did a nice little tribute to him last week.

I was busy yesterday and my wrists are shot from typing. Not much energy left. xoxo