Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Young at Heart Chorus

So I was going to write a post tonight bitching about Monsanto and their evil ways of controlling agriculture through seed patents and such but I decided to post these videos instead.

While flipping around the channels i came across a show on PBS called "Independent Lens". They show some very interesting and compelling documentaires and this one was very touching and heart felt.

The Young at Heart Chorus is made up of senior citizens. The ages are currently 73 to 89. They go out and perform all over the world. I think these videos may bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your face.

The first one here is them singing the Bob Dylan song "Forever Young". The second song is Coldplay's "I Will Trey to Fix You". For the Coldplay song it was supposed to be a duet however the gentleman who was to be the other singer is one of the gentleman that had passed away.

Enjoy these. You will need to copy and paste these. Take the time at your heart will be filled with sadness and joy. They are beautiful.




Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mark.
Makes me feel better about being young.

Mark said...

They are pretty cool.