Monday, January 18, 2010

Mountains to climb

I took the weekend off from blogging. Did not do a whole bunch as we had crappy weather for most of the weekend. I did work on breaking my couch in. It has a ways too go. I'll work on it again tonight.
It seems odd to me that when a disaster strikes that the nations of the world rise up together to help the nation that has been stricken yet on a daily basis we ignore the daily human tragedy that those same people have to endure. It would seem to me that if we would put our collective hearts and minds together like this all the time the world would be a much better place.
We need to climb the mountain to achieve some greatness as a human race.
Today is MLK Day. Have we made the mountain that African Americans are trying to climb any easier.
I did go to the farmers market Saturday. I was rather small since it is the off season. I did buy some fresh bread. Some was baked right at the market. All natural and organic. It is very good. I went for a short ride after that to look for something to shoot. I did find a John 3:16 sign on a telephone pole. It is by a person who has many of those down in the Franklin, NC area. I have some of these on my Flickr stream. My buddy Jacob K has many on his Flickr stream. He has actually been able to find the person who puts these signs up.
I wanted to go downtown yesterday to the arts district. I was checking things out online and discovered that most of the gallery's and antique shops there are closed on Sunday. Give me a break. If you want to make that a destination for your city how do you close on a Sunday. Since everything else is open on Sunday these shops being closed makes no sense. This does not happen in Asheville. Maybe these people need to look in that direction.
Hopefully the weather will be better next weekend. I need to get out and do a photo road trip. I want to head north of here. Maybe I'll go to Mt. Airy, NC. It is also known as Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show. Sounds like a good plan.
I have some goods ideas for improving this at work. I am going to suggest those today. They are simple things but they will make a big difference for everyone.
I want to see the new Jeff Bridges movie Crazy Heart.
I am working on a blog about Monsanto.
Have a good Monday.


Tammy said...

None of us are free if one of us is chained. How true of a statement.

Perhaps some stores are closed on Sunday due to religious reasons? Aren't you in the bible belt now?

And I'll start my nagging now... road trips are wonderful for you and I'm glad you have your art form to fuel your spirit... but what are you going to do to get yourself in a more social arena?

happy Monday. Thank you MLK for your words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read your full take on Monsanto.

Maybe the reason the arts shops are not open on Sunday is that there are not enough artists like yourself making it worthwhile to do so. You are now in the heart of NASCAR country and as Tammy suggested, the Bible Belt, so unless it spews smoke or hymns, it probably isn't considered as art.

Mountains are not obstacles but rather, they are challenges.

Mark said...

I am not sure about the social arena. Maybe some art gallery openings or something like that. I was also thinking of Yahoo personals.

It could be a bible belt thing with the art shops. But it seems odd since it is a big tourist draw for downtown.