Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where is my remote?

What the hell? I think I packed the remote for my tv somehow or maybe it is in the trash. What a fool. The house was such a darn mess I am not sure. I really do not want to dig in the trash since there is glass in there along with something that smells really darn awful. Oh well at least it is not the remote that gets used the most.

I think for the most part that the packing will be done today. There are a couple things I want to do today so I may stay up late tonight to get it all done. There are a few things I will need to do this week before I move so packing needs to be done ASAP.

I started a Shelfari bookshelf on the blog today. I always look at Kens and decided that I needed to have one since I read all the time. The first book I put on was "The World According to Garp" by John Irving. I had already been a pretty good reader by high school but this was the book that did it for me. I had to read a book for an english class as a freshman in high school and for some reason I picked this one. It was the first book that I had ever read that really had an impact on me as a reader. The characters that John Irving creates are some amazing, fantastical and filled with thoughts and emotions that strike a chord with me. My favorite books by him are of course "Garp", "Cider House Rules, and " A Widow for One Year". Read those books and you will see what I mean.

I'll go over the other books as time goes along.


Anonymous said...

Nice line-up of ladies fashions. Must be nice to be young.

Lost remote! That is when I have panic attacks.

I've never read any of those books, but I will put them on my list. I did see the "Garp" movie with Robin Williams, though.

I'll see if I can link to you on Shelfari.

Mark said...

Well I highly recommend "Garp" and the Electric Kool Aid Acid test is about Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, the Grateful Dead and dropping acid. It is a pretty cool book. As an fyi Ken Kesey is the guy who wrote "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest". The remote is a minor hassle, at least I did not lose the one for the cable box.