Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well I have been here for a few days now and yesterday I started work.
The apartment complex I live in seems pretty nice. Quiet for the most part. I do not not the neighbors at all. The place is new so it is very clean, except for the frozen dog shit that seems to be all little excessive. We did have the fire department here Sunday night. I saw the cute girl who works in the office when I was getting gas t last night and asked here what happened. She said some woman was cooking and had a small grease fire that she tried to put out with water. That made matters worse, of course. Thankfully she only did minor damage to her kitchen.
I also asked her about a decent grocery close to here. Since where I live is somewhat close to the hood the closest grocery has a rather "iffy" customer base. I went into that store my first night here and the people in the store where looking at me like I was in the wrong store. I most likely will be going there when the sun is shining and only if I have too.

Yesterday I started work and it went well. I assumed the hours for work were 8 to 5 so I left at about 7:20 so I could gauge traffic. It took me 20 minutes. When I arrived there was one person there. It seems for the most part they work 9 to 6 which seems odd since most of the customers we work with work 8 yo 5. So I had nothing to do for a little while. Anyhow when Wanda, my boss and one of the bosses in the company, came in we talked for a bit, My hours will be 8:30 to 5:30. I think down the road I came get them back to 8 to 5. I did all the paperwork and usual crap you do the first day. Then back to real work. Pretty much jumped right in where I left off. Need to get used to their computer system for ordering and all that. It seems like an old program for the most part. Not all that user friendly. But getting used to that will come quickly.
The one thing I do not like it that they use Mozilla Thunderbird for their email and I find it to be annoying.

However they are happy to have me and I have have a job. Now I just need to get me a southern belle and I might be all set for a while.

Off to the shower..........


Tammy said...

The winter stuff sounds horrid but I bet you'll be singing sweetly when summer hits.
She will show up when you least expect. Don't miss any opportunities to show her how funny, sweet and compassionate you are.

I hate this #*%@@King weather. My plants are holding on for dear life and my fingers are frozen.

Willie is playing Feb 11 at the Jacksonville Theater. Its a lovely place and I've been there before to see the Bellydancing Superstars. All the good tickets are gone but I don't think there is a bad seat in the place. I hate to wait too much longer to see him again, Willie ain't getting younger.

Anonymous said...

Apartment complexes are a little world of their own. Like "Alice's Restaurant", you can get whatever you want. I like 'em.

Winter isn't so bad when you are still young enough to make the best of it. The crap happening to the deep south is different; I really feel bad for Tammy and the other folk there.

Glad you were able to ease into the new job so quickly.

Those southern belles can be sweet and elusive. In other words, just fine.

Mark said...

Well you will be back in the 70's this weekend so hopefully the plants hold out.

Get the tickets for Willie.

Apt's can be fun. I lived in a few complxes that were a little crazy.

I think some farmers are going to be in big trouble.