Monday, February 1, 2010

Lets Swim

So we had the big snowstorm this weekend and it was not much overall. It started snowing Friday night around 5 p.m. and stopped around 8 a.m. Saturday morning. It then turned to freezing rain for a couple hours and that is the problem. There is a decent amount of ice on the side streets, however the major roads are supposed to be ok. They have not plowed or shoveled the anything here at the apt. complex. WTF is that about. I also noticed by one of the buildings that some lazy motherfuckers had taken their dog out for its doodie and let the dog piss and shit right at the bottom of the stairs. How does one think that is close to acceptable. That person needs a punch in the head to wake them up.

Now it looks like rain tomorrow and maybe a little ice in the morning and the same again for Friday and Saturday. Should be interesting.

The Monsanto story is coming along good. I want to make it just more than a rant.

Ken, here is a site that is pretty cool. Check it out and I think you can spend some time finding some pretty neat stuff.

Tammy, sorry if the last post mad you mad. I took the shot because the view was good.

This is the pool at the complex.


Tammy said...

you know I'm just busting you about that last shot. No worries.

Yuck on the weather. and yuck to the dog owner. We have a lady around the block who lets her dog do that on the street and when I ride my bike I forget and run over it. It really makes me angry.

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link; I will be spending a lot of time there. I love history of any kind, and this is perfect.

That is a shitty (pardon the pun) thing to allow pets to crap where people have to walk and breathe. I think I have most of our neighborhood dog owners walking on the far side of the street.

Our weekend weather is going to be nasty also, with a mix of everything except sunshine.

Mark said...

There are plenty of people here who let their dogs do business anyplace. The things is we have a dog run for that.

Freezing rain then rain this morning.