Monday, December 28, 2009

Greensboro I'm a coming

Well I hope that you all had a very good Christmas holiday. Mine was very good. Good times with my grandmother and her friends. Way too much food, as usual. She is very sad I am going to Greensboro. But she understands I need to do what I have to do.

So I fly up this afternoon, get my car and hotel and get an idea of the area. If I have time I am going to go by the store and visit them. If not today I will go there tomorrow morning. Since none of us have ever met each other it might be a good idea. One of the ladies who works there did work for Law Enforcement Supply when I was there, however she worked in the Panama City office so at least we know each other through talking on the phone. Once I get that out of the way I while begin looking at apartments. I have a list I am bringing with me. I hope the first place I look at turns out as decent as it seems from what I have seen on the web. If it is then I am going to take that place and be done with the whole thing. That way I can get the utilities and all set up and have the rest of the time to get my bearings around Greensboro. Since I am one of those people who am pretty damm good about directions and figuring streets out I should know where things are pretty quickly. It should leave me time to take some pictures of the area. So maybe I can sneak in a little roadtrip and see what my photography future has in store for me. This whole area is much more suited to my style of photography as you would expect.

I am going to run. Have some loose end to tie up this morning. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the balmy mid-latitudes!

You are a brave man; thoughts of riding in an airplanes scare the hell out of me.

That familiar voice should be a comforting help; at least you have a connection.

I hope the photo ops are numerous; at least more so than around here.

Heck of a good catch on the photo.

Unknown said...

Welcome to Greensboro. greensboro is great and the downtown gets better almost daily!! Lots of photogs here. check out - Also, if that 1st apt doesn't work out, check out - where I work. or if you have any questions about the area, always glad to help. and good luck!