Monday, December 7, 2009

Special Delivery

Well I got a phone call tonight from the gentleman who looks to be my new boss. It seems the deal he is working on to become president of the company is done. All paperwork for that is going to be signed in two weeks. If I take the job my salary will be the same as was it was when I left Law Enforcement Supply. It is also looking better that they would have me go to Greensboro, NC. If that is the case I have lots to get done. I will have to have a moving sale to get rid of lots junk I do not want or need anymore. Then there is the small matter of finding a place to live. I would want to rent a house, not an apt. Seems that with a little looking around I can find a place for less or at least no more than I am paying currently. Thankfully I have been getting rid of junk for some time. Now I really need to step it up. Massive Ebay sales will be coming up. Maybe take some things to antique shops and see what I can do.

Things may get crazy real soon.


Tammy said...

happy for you, time to get off the pot my friend!

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure; with this housing market there are a lot of homes for rent and they are renting for less than they did a few years back. At least that is the situation here and other places I've read about. The only thing I dislike about moving is moving. Hell of a project from start to finish, so as Tammy says ...

Mark said...

Did somebody say pot............

Yes moving sucks big time. That is why I am eliminating goods. I just got back from the used bookstore. Traded in a bunch of books I knew I could not sell on Ebay. Yes I had to trade. However I got rid of tons of books and brought home six.

I have to trade with her. All the ones I know I can not sell and she does not take in trade go to Goodwill.

What did I bring home you ask. You did ask, right.

Cookbook---Vegtables every day. Hell I bought it must be good.

The Book of Herbs. How to plant, grow, harvest..

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

The last three paperbacks in Anne Rice's vampire series.

Plus I still have $2.00 credit.
So next week when I go in with the last trade bunch then I am ahead.

Now back too that pot thing??????