Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas Happy Christmas War is Over

Over the blacktop and through the tollgates to grama's house I go. The Gps knows the way I go today through no white drifted snow.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Eat some good food, enjoy the time with family, friends and anyone else you chose. Hope you all receive some peace and harmony on Christmas day. The pagans would want it this way.

Maybe one day the leaders of the world will embrace this song as the rest of the world does. We can all hope and pray in our own way.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video. John and Yoko have been put down by a lot of people including some of the Beatles, but to me, they were a perfect couple completely in harmony with each other and the world.

Have a wonderful Christmas where ever and whenever you are, Mark.

Tammy said...

Enjoy your Gram. I swear, ever since my Gram left us our family has not felt the same. Our elders somehow are the glue that keeps us bound together.

Hope you enjoy your visit and what will probably be your last drive across Florida from east to west in that route.

A new year, a new place, a new beginning... how appropriate. I know you will do well.

At this point in the world's history, I don't think war will ever be over. We are in too deep now and turning back is impossible. Unless people can work together, accept differences, and learn to forgive, I think humanity hangs by a thread.