Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sorting the junk

Well I have pretty much finished sorting out EVERYTHING I have. The only thing that is left is my clothing. I might as well go through that and get rid off what does not fit anymore. I usually do that on a regular basis anyway how. Its not like I shop for clothing a whole bunch anyhow.
There is a whole lot for the estate guy to buy. I hope I get something close to a decent price for it. After all that is gone then I am going to start packing. That will be fun. Actually that should go fairly quick. I hope.
I am taking the rest of the day off from the moving process except for doing laundry. I am going to wash all my blankets, sheets, towels and then move to the clothing I am taking. That way it is all clean and fresh when I move into my new place. It is all clean now. However since some of that sits in the closet for so long I might as well freshen it up before I move.
Have a customer from the old job stopping by today. He is actually a friend now. It ended up that we actually grew up in the same area of Ct. as kids. We are going to go have a few beers and maybe some wings at Hooters. Seems a good way to say goodbye until he gets a chance to come north for a visit.
Enjoy your day in your lovely weather.


Anonymous said...

Seems like you are doing pretty good. This is all going to be a great adventure for you ... and us. :-)

Tammy said...

turn the page

Mark said...

All is good so far. This is the easy part. The adventure should be fun.

Hell I better not just be "turning the page", I had better be starting a new book.