Friday, December 11, 2009

Feeding Frenzy

Enough of the Tiger Woods feeding frenzy. I am not passing judgement one way or another on what he has done, that is between him and his wife. I also am not a huge Tiger fan or golf fan for that matter. However it sickens me that we continually build people up to such huge levels and are more than willing to dig in the dirt to find any faults so we can smack them down. I am sure that a large number of these moral perfectionists have plenty of dirt in their backgrounds that they would not want to have shown to the world yet they are willing to pass judgement on someone they have helped build up to unreasonable expectations. Maybe you should go out and do some real reporting.

I think I will buy myself a netbook this weekend. I has become time for this to happen. I have sold close to enough on Ebay that I can use that money to buy a netbook. Have been looking on the Web and I see one from Asus that gets good reviews. Not sure overall but $300.00 is all I am going to spend. We shall see.

Heading out for some pictures since it is sunny today. No more rain for a few days. Maybe I'll head toward the beach and see what I can find.

If you look at the vultures eyes and facial features he looks sad. He is also looking at me to make sure I was not going to steal his feast.


Anonymous said...

Even AP is getting caught up in the Tiger thing. Someone needs to spend time keeping an eye on government instead of crap like Tiger's adventures.

I bet that vulture is thinking "just lay down and be still, big boy!". Good catch.

The only thing I use my laptop pc for is net, and it is overkill for sure. I took Windows off it and installed Linux to make it faster and more secure.

Tammy said...

All critters have a soul. Even the poor vulture with his nobby scaly head and shabby-looking feathers. I have seen some soul-less humans though.
Humans are humans. Tiger is in the spotlight and rich and has a "picture perfect" life and I think it delights folks when the house of cards falls in for a person with so much on their side. He is just this month's entertainment is all. With time it will slow down and there will be some new story whipped up from nothing.

Mark said...

It just amazes me how willing we are to destroy somebody.

I would only use the netbook for the web and I would also use it for photo processing will I way away. Since I do not have email or texting on my cell phone it tends to be a pain when I am away from home far any length of time.

The vulture could feed off of me for the whole winter.