Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cause and Effects

There are causes and effects for everything we do in our daily lives and this picture is a perfect example of it. I took this picture Thanksgiving morning will walking on the beach across from Patrick's Air Force Base. I found three needles like this across a large area of the beach. I also found two other different types of needles.
Since this is an insulin needle it belonged to a diabetic at one time or maybe it was used on a diabetic at a hospital. Was the cause of the insulin use a poor diet? That is one of the major effects of the poor diet Americans eat today. How does medical waste get handled so poorly that it becomes trash on the beach. It seems that there are no Federal standards for this type of waste.
All I know is the effect of poor handling of this crap was it washed up on the beach. There is absolutely no excuse for this. Assholes I say.
I did pick up all the needles and put them in another piece of fucking trash, a Gatorade bottle.
Go figure that. I have the needles at home. Maybe I'll plant the bastards.
My broccoli plants are really thriving. They really enjoyed getting into the earth. They were not happy in those little pot at the nursery. I can not wait for the bounty.


Anonymous said...

We had to give up a well paying account cleaning a large medical building because they were constantly tossing used needles into regular trash cans. Our employees got stuck a few times; fortunately they all had Hepatitis shots but it could have been a bad situation even at that.

Maybe do a photo essay on your finds and follow-ups and send it around to news orgs., such as they are.

Sing to your plants ... :-)

Mark said...

Well I been taking many pictures of trash at the beach. I have three themes going. One is called "Going Solo". It is pictures of the lone shoe left or washed ashore. The next one is called "Burning Sands". It is pictures of lighters that have been left on the beach. The last one is called "Plastic Picnic". This one is plastic forks, knives and spoons left by the masses.

I would like to get enough of these for a photo essay or even a show.

I have been going out and talking nice to them. They seem to be happy.

Tammy said...

Plants like to be caressed as well as talked to. The rains were fabulous for mine, still in the pots.

It astounds me that some people and businesses don't care more about our planet. why do people just open their car door and dump cigarette butts on the side of the road?

This Mother Earth is going to make us pay big dividends some day and it is well-deserved.

I can't wait to hear how the broccoli comes out!

You can use Agave Nector instead of sugar in your lemon balm tea. It has way less calories and is in a more natural form than sugar.

Peace, finally friday. My wrists are limp noodles.

Mark said...

Beach trash does not sit well with me. It can make interesting photo subjects.

I go out and look at the plants each morning and say nice things to them.

As for the tea I usually do not use sugar. I can do without that fix, most of the time.