Monday, December 7, 2009

Crappy weekend

Well this weekend sucked. I started getting sick of Friday with a sore throat and ended up spending all day Saturday and Sunday taking heavy does of assorted cold medicine to fight off this thing. Still feel crappy this morning. My sinuses are all screwed up and that is my biggest concern. I do not want to be come addicted to nasal spray again and afraid it may happen if this thing hangs around for a few days. Yippee. Hell on a good day my sinuses are not all that good.

Will take some pictures for Ebay today no matter what. Also plan on getting some flower seeds and veggie seeds started.


Tammy said...

I like the photo of the day. Warm water, steep several clippings of your lemon balm, cup your hand around the steam and inhale, add a touch of honey if you have it and I bet you get to feeling better soon. I can't remember what herbs you have as well but a pinch of mint will be good in there too.
Sorry to hear you are sick. AT least you don't have to go to work today feeling like dogshit.
Oh, I have a new swear word: shitbucket.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the photo of the flowers should help ease the miseries a bit. Tammy is right; honey is good for sore throat and especially cough.
Hope you are soon well.

Mark said...

Thanks. I'll try the tea. Am feeling better except for sinus congestion.

Flowers are cool. The only flower I really do not care for are roses. I can not stand that smell. It gives me a blasting headache. If they were unscented it would be ok.

Ken,I got spammed like you did. I left them a not so nice comment. I hate assholes like that. They fuck up the web.