Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yes Mr Politician this means YOU

I guess our esteemed leader in the do not get the meaning of this t-shirt I saw at a book fair a few weeks ago. As you may know some of our Democratic gutless wonders in the House caved into pressure from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to put the abortion prohibition in the healthcare package. There are minor alterations in the Senate plan. The fact that you caved into the Bishops clearly shows you have no idea of the separation of church and state. The Catholic bishops do not speak for the majority of Americans. How you justify your decision?

All healthcare issues should be covered. There only needs to be one plan for all Americans. You can roll Medicare and Medicaid into the national healthcare plan.

Please read the healthcare plan put forward by Dennis Kucinich and see what you think.
At this time this is the best plan put forward. At least He has the guts to put forward a plan that will be a benefit to all Americans.


Tammy said...

Bah, that entire story made me want to vomit. Never think for a second that religion isn't controlling the planet. As long as there are unwanted pregnancies there will be abortions, legal or not. It will be interesting to see where this goes. dangerous ground to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Of the people; by the people; for the few. Hope this abortion thing doesn't wind up in the present Supreme Court; we need for some sitting conservatives to die and then hope Congress will allow some open-minded judges to take over.

Had I been Bill Clinton when the high court appointed Bush president, I would have abolished the whole thing by presidential decree. It would have done no good, but it would have shown the world we are not slaves to the government.

Mark said...

Religion does rule the world more than we want to admit. Scary how they are all the correct one.

Abortion will never be solved. Way too complex of an issue.

Ken, are you feeling a little bit like a rebel today.