Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We are becoming a nation of hardened hearts, splintered factions and people who are unwilling to compromise with those who have a different view of how we need to grow and advance as a nation. Is this what the lasting legacy is going to be for those who have decided to become members of our armed services? For those who paid the price of their lives is this how we are going to pay respect to them?

We have leaders inside and outside of politics who completely refuse to listen to views from people with differing views. The soldiers who have given their lives are being desecrated by these actions. Those soldiers are just like the rest of America. They have different views from one another on all aspects of American life yet they decided to join the armed services and work towards a common goal of a better America.

While you can agree or disagree with the merits of war you need to respect the sacrifice of those who have joined our armed services. We owe them that.

Today as we celebrate Veterans Day please think of those of have served this country, are serving this country and those who have given their lives. We owe them much and give them very little back.

We are torn.


Tammy said...

well said. I have 2 candles lit this morning for rememberance. I hope someday there is more peace and less greed.

A magnetic ribbon on the back of one's car does not necessarily make you a "troop supporter", more than likely it makes you a sheep.


Peace on this day to the vets and thank you.

Anonymous said...

We are sheep who provide our own shears. Today marks the end of WW1 and the next big event in America was the greed of the 20's and the ensuing depression. It took another world war to bring us out of that mess, and it seems to me we have been in one long, continuing war ever since then. Madness.

Mark said...

I fear for what we have become and for the legacy we are leaving the young.