Saturday, November 21, 2009

Drats my house is out to get me

This is another picture from by blanket. I was supposed to have a Flickr meetup there tomorrow with three of my contacts. Since the weather is now looking iffy and three of us are driving a couple hours to meet we have decided to postpone it for a couple weeks. Also one of the people I was to meet fell down last night and messed up his shoulder.

Now for my house being out to get me, well yes it is. Remember early on this week I crashed into one of the poles for the carport. Well today Jim and I were fixing it. Well he had started while I was out this morning and when I arrived home he asked to help him hold a board in place. When I stepped onto the lawn there was a board there with a nail sticking up. Yep a nail through my shoe and into my foot. I hurt like hell right now. WTF is next. My confidence is a little shaken today.


Anonymous said...

Good photo and bad karma. Like the dead guy in "The Crow" said; "It can't rain all the time." Had a tetanus shot lately? Hang in, my friend.

Mark said...

I'm hanging in.