Sunday, November 8, 2009

Good news Sunday

Now for some good news. I went to Publix this morning to see how much my blood pressure medicine would cost now that I have no insurance. It cost me $20 a month with insurance and it is going to cost me $23 with no insurance. Cool. I was concerned about that. The next thing I found out about is also insurance related. When you get terminated like I did you will have the option of picking up your insurance through Cobra. This is not always affordable to many people in situations such as mine. I found out that there is a provision in the stimulus plan that will pay for 65% of your Cobra charge. So as long as the Cobra is a decent price I will be able to have insurance and pay only 35% of the cost. Thanks Mr. President.

I plan on looking at whatever other options for food assistance, rent assistance or whatever other programs are out there. Time for me to get my end of the public dole.

The Bucs won today. What else do I need.


Tammy said...

I can think of 1 more thing, but all things in time....
Glad to see you are keeping a positive attitude. People are never really interesting until they've had the shit kicked out of them.

Anonymous said...

That is a great thing about meds and ins. There seems to be a lot of good things in the stimulus that the general public doesn't know about; no wonder the Republicans were against it.

Love the photo; the sign says a lot of truth.

Hope this new adventure is rewarding for you.

Mark said...

Tammy, gotta love you kiddo. Keeping the faith alive.

Hell I already thought I was really interesting.

Yea hearing about the meds made the day. Its the simple things like getting meds so I do not have a stroke. LOL.

I makes me wonder what else it out there that is available and is hidden in some stupid bill.

I got a kick out the cupcake.