Mother Earth is pissed and sending a message. There was another earthquake. This one in Turkey. There have been a number of significant earthquakes in a very short period of time. Is California next, who knows. Something is going on and we should pay attention. These are warnings.
The asshole politicians in Washington bicker and fight like little school kids while we the American public continue to get trampled on by insurance companies and other bastions of corporate greed. Do you wonder why it took so long for the gov't and Toyota to come forward. Then when Toyota does the gov't piles on one thing after another. Guess the bed they were sleeping in must have gotten cold. Gas prices go up and down like I am on a fucking roller coaster. You have assholes like Jim Bunning holding up unemployment compensation for millions. Where is the democracy in all of this.
If you want to get a look at democracy look at what happened in Iceland this weekend. They had a vote on repaying $4.3 billion dollars of debt incurred by the banks in Iceland back to England and the Netherlands. They voted 93% against the repayment and just 2% for repayment. Why did they vote this way. They did so because it would hurt the common citizen and they felt they were getting screwed. Any repayment plan will be voted on by the citizens. Hooray for Iceland.
This would never happen here, yet it should. It is still "We The People", I think.
Time is coming for a revolution. No matter what you believe on the left or right we all are sick and tired of the gov't not listening to us and you are listening to corporate America.
Fuck You Washington. It is about time you listen or we will make thing the changes for you.
We are not happy.
I think Hurricane Katrina and her kin are more of a warning than are the terrible earthquakes. I don't know there is much we can do about continental shifts, but we can control what we do to the atmosphere.
Other nations are perfecting democracy, and our Constitution allows us to do so, too. Yet, all "we the people" are is yes men for the corporate government. Like you, I say fuck them.
I think a headache of any kind is your body's way of telling you something is out of balance. The more severe headaches are most concerning. I hope your insurance kicks in soon and you can get this addressed. It is worrisome to me. I bet the christians are getting the "howler monkey syndrome" over the climate changes.. It is what they have all been waiting for.
The large number of quakes is alarming. Not sure why so many all of the sudden.
I think we are on the verge of the nation coming apart like the 60's.
It may be the beginning of real change for good or bad. It will not be pretty.
The headaches are a concern. Once I have insurance I doctor visit is in order.
As for climate change you will find larger and larger numbers of people do not think it is true any more.
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