I found out today my health insurance will not start until May 1st. Shit. I would like to go soon and get things checked out. Thankfully my blood pressure meds will last until then. Hope I do.
Holy crap are the Republicans pissed or what. Fuck 'em I say. While the healthcare plan is about 90% less than perfect at least it is a start. Those fuckwads would rather have us die in the street before they actually decided to give a shit about most Americans. So I say fuck you. You and your president went to war with Iraq for no reason and got thousands of Americans killed, most likely tens of thousands of Iraqi's, wasted trillions of dollars and you did not give two shits about what most Americans thought. Of course most of the ones fighting are the ones whose families would not get any care if you had your way.
The cameras would have been a great addition for your antique/art store. Don't forget you have a storefront right smack on Megashot and even though there are not a lot of members as yet, they are photographers who may be interested in some of these cameras.
Tough about the insurance not starting until May. I've never understood why companies that offer ins. to employees don't have it in place within 30 days. God bless greed!
Great rant! Republicans should have done their own healthcare when they were in power; they allowed the insurance and medical lawyers to write the Medicare prescription insurance legislation; it is heavily biased toward the insurers and will be difficult to fix.
Dam, I had not thought about the store front. Now I want to go back.
At least I have enough blood pressure meds.
How I wish somebody on the national stage would have the balls to call them out. I want to see a fist fight in the Senate.
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