Friday, March 12, 2010

Mom and Dad's

This my dads picture. He took this after the big snow storm just before Christmas. This is also the house I grew up in. My parents bought this house in 1964 and had a mortgage of $60 a month. My dad has done tons of work on this house over the years and it is vastly different now.
My dad should have been a carpenter/home builder like his dad. I know he wishes he had done that but when you have a family sometimes things are dictated by finances, not dreams.

This was a barn at one time many many years ago and was moved here around 1900 or so and converted to a house. You would never know it was a barn. I guess it is about 150 years old or so. I can't remember exactly right now.

This was a massive storm. They had well over a foot.


Anonymous said...

Good pic and story-history. Hope they are getting a taste of spring. Have a great weekend.

Tammy said...

is this the side of the house? I didn't realize how old your house was. So many of the homes up in that area look just like this and are old and have a story or personality. It is one of the things I love most about going to CT. Interesting that your dad passed along the retail side of his life to you stronger than the carpenter/tinkerer side. Although I know you never hesitate to dive into a project when needed. I didn't realize Dick was a do-it-yourselfer at heart. hope your weekend is good. I'll be in the garden if at all possible. happy friday finally.

Mark said...

Well they have been in Florida for about a week and a half and for the most part have had crappy weather. But I bet it is better than the weather in Ct.

This is the back of the house technically. It faces the driveway and for us is the front of the house. I wish I had the carpenter gene. My grandfather, dads dad, owned his own business building and renovating houses. He was very good at it, as is my dad. I know my dad wishes he had gone into the home building business. He also could have gone in the racecar building or automotive repair business. He is very good at both and they were very easy for him to do. As far as the do it yourself kind of person I see a lot of my dad in Mike in the way they tackle projects. Alas I do not have those kind of skills.

However I do have an artistic mind that is now being nurtured. When somebody looks at your work and you know they truly enjoy it the pleasure is pleasurable. :)