Sunday, December 11, 2011


Some tasty Black Crowes blues for breakfast. Enjoy with your coffee.

Went to the gallery yesterday and some things have finally sold and 4x6 actually sold while I was there.

Gonna go picture taking this morning before I head out and Christmas shop. Not motivated for that adventure at all, the shopping part.

Seems the cable man was here this week and replaced the cable running from the pole to the house. Two problems. One, I had no idea they were going to be here roaming around the yard. Two, the cable is now running on the ground across the walkway leading to the guesthouse and there are miles of extra cable laying in the yard. Now I suspect that they replaced the cable because of shitty service and that is a good thing. However they should have left a note saying they were here. A call would have been better and why leave the cable running on the ground across the yard. Amazing.

The dryer works great.

The Gibsonville Xmas parade was yesterday. Tons of church were represented. Typical small town parade. Lots of folks were in town watching. Would be nice if they had a reason to stay afterwards.

Time for a shower, feed Summer, wash clothes and head out for a bit



Tammy said...

beautiful tune. I hate the cable company. Rain, rain and more rain. We went to Tia's in Orlando Sunday to help her put up her tree. I made lasagna while I was there and left her a week's worth of food. She has 4 cats in her small 1 bedroom apartment and it is a bit nutso in there. One of her cats had climbed up the tree before the lights were on it, reminded me of Barney when he was young - remember how crazy he was? Cody is homesick requesting that I send boxes of cookies. Another full week of business I'm afraid. Been hitting the bowl a bit more to combat the frantic feeling in my brain.....

Anonymous said...

I've seen the cable problem before but only with Comcast; if I had a choice, I would use satellite.

Mark said...

The cable company is a monopoly that needs some real competition.

4 cats is a bit much for an apartment.

Barney was the craziest and funniest kitten. I used to put a chair in front of the fish tank and he would try and bat at the fish as the swam by.

I hit the Xanax every day last week.