Monday, December 19, 2011

The Countdown

Good thing we are out of Iraq we can go to Korea next.

The Solstice and Christmas are a coming. Are you ready. We are going to have a warm week. Where is the snow?

Took Summer for a 2 mile walk in the woods yesterday. She was good and tired about 3/4 of the way through and was dragging. Saw lots of deer blinds in trees and on the ground. Good thing it was afternoon time or maybe I could have been shot.

Went into a store Saturday afternoon and left when I saw the line for the four registers was about 100 people long. Wow.

Have a good Monday.

Catch up on the web comments later my friends.


Anonymous said...

There is no snow here too. Not too much cold: +5 C. Yes, Christmas is coming but I'm not ready. I was sick and just returned to my office after a week break so I have a lot of work.
I read your previous comment. It's a good idea to be out of the net from time to time; for example on weekend.
Christmas time, so please Mark don't bother about answering for my notes.
Have a great week!

Tammy said...

Keep up with the walking. Summer and you probably could use the fresh air and exercise. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Occupy N. Korea! S. Korea is tired of us but are too spoiled to look after themselves. Yep, the North workers need a good taste of capitalism and they may wish for communism to last forever.

Keep on truckin' in the woods with Summer but both of you wear red during hunting season ... makes you easier targets.

Mark said...

Very mild winter so far. There will be payback.

Who knows what N. Korea will bring.
They are so odd.

Walking in the woods this time of year is dangerous for sure.