Thursday, December 29, 2011


Here is some nice tasty blues and ripping guitar work. Enjoy.

If you have not seen Breaking Bad rent it from Netflix. Brian Cranston, the dad from Malcolm in the Middle, is a teacher/meth dealer. Great tv show amd worth the rent.

So I plan to plant gourds, pepper, little maters in the garden, some herbs and a few other things. What type of fun veggie should I plant.

Come on people lets work with Iran. Yes they keep our buttons and we bite every time.
Instead of being the bully we need to try the other side of the coin of kill them with kindness. Their people will be behind us. They are an educated populace and know full well what is going on.

I still have not won lotto. Boo.


Anonymous said...

My kind of blues.

My N.Y's. resolution is that you will win big in the lottery. It's a done thing!

Anonymous said...

I doubt if Iran wants any cooperation. Maybe they are well educated but they are religious fanatics.
Yes, tasty blues.
Have a good day, Mark.

Mark said...

Yea, he is a rockin' blues man.

Thank you for your wish.

I think the people want cooperation, the ayatollahs are another story.

Thanks Jola.