Friday, December 9, 2011

Occupy a Friday

Another long week is winding down, thankfully. Very long days this week.

Going to the gallery tomorrow morning. This is the last month I am keeping my photos there. Time to look for one closer to home and one that will produce some sales.

Some Christmas shopping to do and nothing else planned.

Switching Summers food to a grain free food. I think the other food is causing her to have fry skin.

Nice drone that Iran captured.


Anonymous said...

The press lieks sensational bloody wars; all in due time.

Anonymous said...

How about if the captured drone is a fake sent by CIA to be found. Could be old tech disguised. Could be the CIA is listening to the Iranians gloat. Maybe the drone is sending back info on its location, etc.
Probably the real thing, though.

Mark said...

I bet they know where it is.

Part of the master plan to launch another war.