Thursday, December 1, 2011

Grow your own

American slavery still exists.

Grow your own veggies.
Stomp on a Newt.

Have a nice day.


Tammy said...

thanks for sharing this Mark, It is a real eye-opener. I've lived in FL for so long and have been surrounded by migratory workers no matter which part of the state I've lived in but really haven't taken much time to consider their hellish life. I am ashamed to say that. It makes me sad to see this. None of us are free if one of us is chained. I'm glad to see the Collalition has made some progress for them and hope it continues.

Anonymous said...

I think the Latino workers in this area--and there are a lot of them--are treated better and paid a little better by the contractors than are the people in the video. However, they are still shunned by the Anglo community and their housing is not very good. The main crops they pick here are tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.
Thanks for posting the video.

Mark said...

This fight is still going today. The living conditions of these people is generally horrible and several cases of slavery have been successfully prosecuted in Immokalee and the surrounding area.

Do you think if we send then "home" that Americans would put up with this kind of treatment.