Monday, March 14, 2011


Sleepy this morning. Did not sleep well. Not the best way to start a Monday.

I hope this week is better than last week at work. It was so iinsanely busy last week it was to the point one was ineffective.

How come you do not hear NPR fighting back against the Republicans?  The stories are much better produced and informative than any other news organization. It costs under $1.00 per person. Stop funding war and fund education instead.

The images coming from Japan are stunning.  Hard to even imagine or even know what to say about the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Heck of a pic; Gadhafi's Air Force?

NPR is between a rock and a hard place; its future isn't too bright, I think.

I shudder every time I see one of the videos made when the flood came ashore.

Mark said...

Its Vollis Simpsons Whirligig Air Force.

My fear is NPR will end up the opposite of what it is and we will regret that once it happens.

What about the people who lived through WWII and now this.

I actually heard somebody bring up the argument saying --- Maybe we should not give them any money since we have such budget problems here.

The lack of compassion is stunning.