Sunday, March 6, 2011

Holy Crap

WTF. Blogger let me post a picture. It must be a fucking mistake.

Do you realize that the same assholes who are bitching and complaing about unions and teachers and public employees making too much are the same assholes who said we should not limit the pay of the CEO's of the Wall Street firms who screwed us all in the financial meltdown. The same ones who said we could not restrict their bonuses because they had contracts. Well the teachers and public employees in Wisconsin also have contracts. So stop being hypocrites you CEO brown nosing turd burgalers.

Got my home owners insurance so now I just need to get a mover lined up. The closing is in two weeks.

My scruffy faced fat ass is in the tv commercial for the store. I am a customer and they hand a handgun to me to look over. Bah ha ha ha. Need an autograph?

I need tires for the truck and paint for house. Which should I buy first?

I am going to take an old door, two old saw horses, get a piece of glass cut to go on top on the door and use that as my dinig room table.

Somebody told me about an antique place about an hour from here on a guys farm. 150 acres of crap all spread over the place. I understand, from Google searches, that Cracker Barrel, Applebees and designers go here to get items for restaraunats and home design. He sells cheap. Think I'll take my parents there when they come back through.


Anonymous said...

Another good pic.

Blogger ate my first comment on your last post but the second try worked.

Are you a member of actor's union? You should get residuals each time the commercial is shown. Hope you post a copy of it.

Get tires first; try a Tom Sawyer on the paint and painting.

Sounds like a winner on the door/table. The door knob may be a problem. LOL!

Better get to the antique place before the American Pickers!

Mark said...

The pic is of an old tourist trap on the edge of the everglades and Lake Ockeechobee. Long closed.

I have my SAG card.

Tires are coming tomorrow.

I'll sell the door knob.

Hell this place is so big from what I can tell even American pickers would be overwhelmed.