Sunday, March 20, 2011


Did the final walk through of Gibsonville yesterday. Seeing the house with nothing in it tells me it needs painting immediately. I am going to pick up some paint samples today and test them out tomorrow or Tuesday so I can see what I like best for the wall color. Also going to pick up a rake, sunflowers seeds, seed starter trays, small branch clippers and a few other odd and ends.

Today is the first day of spring. The last couple days have been stunningly lovely here in Greensboro.
Color is starting to come alive. Two weeks from now things should be looking quite nice and green and red and yellow and pink and blue.

Picture is from Valle Crucis near Boone. A great area in the mountains of western North Carolina.


Anonymous said...

I like the quilted barn.

Think about getting a few suet blocks and feeder for the birds; even cardinals need some meat protein from time to time. The blocks with the seed in them attract a lot of species. If there is a good farm supply such as a co-op in your area, you may be able to find many different mixes of bird feed; some will let you mix your own.

Hope you can find you a "Millie" squirrel.

Mark said...

Suet is on the list.

Saw some today when I stopped at a Roses, in your honor. They are a bigger version of Dollar General.