Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Score: Evil -- 3 Peace -- 0

So the world continues to sit and watch as Libya and Kernel continue to crush the opposition to freedom. To bad it has nothing to do with oil and the fear the west will not get "their" people in power.

We also sit by as the Saudi's and the UAE send in troops to Bahrain and shoot at the protesters there. Again its oil and money leading the charge to crush peoples freedom.

Then we have Bradley Manning who is now being striped naked at night and being put into a "special suit" so he will not commit suicide during the night. Sounds very weak to me. Here is what our President is saying and a little background.

And finally this from the greater Greensboro area.

Have a lovely day my friends.

BTW---Tom Joad is the main character in Grapes of Wrath, by the one of our greatest, John Steinbeck.


Anonymous said...

We seem to be heading into a world revolution; people cannot take much more repression and suppression of truth and ideas.

Good music; love the guitar playing.

Mark said...

I do not like what I see and I fear what I do not see government and corporate World doing to its citizens.

It would not take much right now to start a revolution. What till a charasmatic leader steps out of the shadows. We need to capture the momentum before that person gets killed.

The song gave me chills during Tom's second solo. That is rock n roll.