Friday, February 25, 2011

York HI

Wow, I was able to post a picture. All things must be heading in the right direction.

The rental units will be getting here today. Hopefully the weather is decent. Want to show them the house.
Hoping the owners let us do a tour sometime this weekend. I might take them to the big flea market in Raleigh this weekend. Not sure what else we are doing.

Going to go and sign the paper not renewing my lease.

I want to build one of these in my backyard.

Power to the People...........................................................


Anonymous said...

You finally got a photo up and it is a killer.

The little house: Yankee ingenuity at its best. Do you still have the car door that you picked up a few years ago in SC or GA?

Mark said...

Thanks on the photo.

I think the little house is pretty neat. Using pallets = free or cheap.

I got rid of the door when I moved.
I just figured it had to stay behind.

A trip to Cherokee and I bet I can get another one.

Tammy said...

Now that you have a house you can start collecting all sorts of things for building. You will be that eccentric neighbor that people are dying to meet but are just a bit afraid to do so. We have all sorts of plans for this house don't we?

Mark said...


That's priceless Tammy. I was wondering if Gibsonville has a rule against bowling balls in your yard.

I want a pinball machine and I know Ken will play pinball.

Anonymous said...

I used to be pretty good at pinball, until Tennessee banned them in bars.