Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am falling apart

Love this song. It was a huge hit on MTV when it came out. XTC has some great songs. How many people did this piss off.

Had the bone density scan test today and sure as shit my hip ain't hip.
Not sure what the doc will say. I am sure calcium and vitamin D will now be part of my daily routine. Maybe I'll become spineless Tammy. :)

Won a $195,500.00 dollar bid today. Unexpected business. Woo Hoo. This is a nice one to get for us.

I think I'll hear the house is mine any time now. Seems that is where it stands today.

To all the people who want to get rid of unions and taken away their bargaining power we would not have ever needed unions if the people who run companies paid fairly, treated all as equals, did not use child labor, and the list goes on. If unions went away the average worker would be getting the shaft immediately.

Power to the People. 2011 the year of the uprising against the common man.


Anonymous said...

I wish some hacker would put the video on Westboro church website; they've already pissed off anonmous.

Congrats on the big bid win!

I suppose unions must die like the rest of America is doing. Hopefully someday their will be a Phoenix real Americans.

Tammy said...

I remember this one and it was popular with me too, then and now. Good job on the bid. Now that you will be a home owner job security has a whole new meaning. Got my tattoo worked on (Wednesday). The gecko on my hip... added some orange blossoms around him and better detail on the gecko. Mike isn't thrilled with it but I love it. Homage to my grandmother whose passing was this week 3 years ago.

Tammy said...

And finally, you are going to authentically become spineless. Wow how time flies. such a funny memory for us to share isn't it? Your strong spine and dear friendship has lasted quite a bit longer than that previous "relationship" if you can call it that.

Mark said...

Ha. I would to see that hacked onto Westboro's site.

Thanks, the bid was an unexpected gift.

If the republicans have their way there will be no more unions.

Yea job security does mean a little more. ;(

Wow, three years. Your grandmother was a sweetheart. A very kind soul.

I thought the spineless memory was quite fitting.