Friday, February 11, 2011

Inspection over

The home inspection was yesterday. All was well for the most part except for the major gas leak outside at the meter, that needs to fixed today, it is a major hazard, and a small one in the guest house at the hot water heater. Otherwise it mostly minor problems. Insignificant really. Roof fine, foundation fine. Will have the full report today.

Next is the bank appraisal.

Doctors appointment today. A complete physical. This should be good. I am sure my cholesterol will be very bad and I need to lose weight. Hope that is it. That is enough really. Otherwise I hope to be fine.

Awesome weather for the weekend. Maybe I'll do some packing. About time to get that started.

Yeaaaaa, its Friday.


Tammy said...

I could use an afternoon of getting lost, getting buzzed, good music, and just acting a fool anonomously. Hope your doctor's visit goes well but it sounds like you already know what you have to do. House inspections are important I guess to find all these bad things out. I'm guessing the seller has to fix this stuff? Do you need any birds for your new abode? be well. xoxo

Mark said...

The doc visit seems to have gone well. We will see when the blood work comes back.

The seller has to fix the gas problems as his house may blow up. They do not have to fix anything else, but I suspect they will. Part of the negotiations.

I have plenty of birds. Loads of cardinals, oh yeah. Pictures of those will be forthcoming.