Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fucking Blogger

Blogger has decided it does not want me to upload pictures. It has rejected them for the last few days.

I'll just upload some Dead to start the day, it's all good. I love this song anyhow.

What the hell is Baby Doc doing back in Haiti. That man should have been jailed. Nothing good can come out last murdering scum being back there.

Score another one for Wikileaks. Wikileaks leak about the corruption in Tunisia was one of the players in the revolution of its people in getting them to force the corrupt leader to flee the country. It is amazing how Wikileaks, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are playing roles in revolutions around the world. This is what the internet should be doing.

Bike riding in the morning starts tomorrow. Weight loss is coming.

Here is a house I would like to buy.


I am going to see about getting a mortgage. Hopefully find the right kind of deal for a first time home buyer. No money down.


Tammy said...

This house is perfect for you. I so hope it works out. I can see you living here. And yes, you must finally get that golden retriever you have been waiting to adopt. the tub is a bonus! nice yard for planting. NPR had a run on Dr. King yesterday. Heard some stuff that I hadn't before. His speeches are electrifying. this baby doc putz is moving back into Haiti now that the country is on its knees. I forsee bad things. His father was a bloody tyrant. Palms were greased for that passport you can be sure. have a good day... now is a good time to buy a house I think.

Anonymous said...

If you ever decide to go to Wordpress with your blog, it is supposed to import your old Blogger blogs.

Baby Doc is bad news; an example of American backed corruption.

Carolyn and I like the house; you might think of adding another bathroom when you get married.

Mark said...

I am going to get the process started and see what happens on getting a mortgage.

I like the looks of the house and I have actully been in the neighborhood. Could be a good fit.
40 minutes from work.

Dog and garden yes.

Wow, getting married. That's jumping the gun. But yes another bath would be nice.

Baby Doc means blodd in the streets from small arms fire.