Saturday, January 15, 2011

GG Allin Carmelita

Unexpected pleasure from GG Allin. GG was one of rock n roll's most unique artists. I expect there will be no more like him in the near future.
Google him, if you dare. Anyhow he does a great version of the Zevon classic.

Still have sold nothing at the gallery.

One of my new cable channels is RT. Russian Television. It is an interesting channel. All news and documentary for the most part. Very much to the left and a fair amount of bashing the U.S. although I do not disagree with much of what they are saying. It is interesting though. Subtle propaganda.

I did catch part of a documentary called "Yes Sir, No Sir" about the movement amongst the soldiers in Vietnam who actively started protesting the war while in the military. It also had clips the F.T.A. shows in Vietnam which were the anti Bob Hope type of shows that were sanctioned by the government. I am going to rent the on Netflix. Looks very good and very timely.

Hope you enjoyed the video, it is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Man, I had about forgotten him. With a name like Jesus Christ, it is no wonder he was a punker. There are still acts in NYC punk-dives which try to emulate his shows.

Mark said...

He was no your average rocker. He had a very fucked up life as a young kid. Crazy man.