Monday, January 3, 2011

So it begins

So 2011 has begun with two days of no sunshine and with on and off rain. Nice way to spend the weekend. Did not do a darn thing at all. A perfect waste of two days.

Did you make a resolution that you plan to break?

Maybe the world should make a resolution to take care of it citizens a little better. No war, feed your people, give them water. teach them to grow their own food, give them proper shelter. Maybe our leaders should have made a resolution to respect each others values and the values of peoples of other nations, colors and religions.

Maybe the United States should take the 1 trillion dollars that is spent on all military expenses and use that to fix our country.

If we resolved, this year, to fix all the roads, bridges, power lines, gas pipes, oil pipes and all similar infrastructure we could have the unemployment rate to very low levels and get things on the right path very quickly.

If we resolve to be the leaders of the world we would stop war.


Tammy said...

I am going to reupholster that old chair my grandmother gave me eons ago, finally.
I am going to work on and develop my "The Herbal Butterfly Essentials" products.
I will see this boy off to college this year.
I will attempt to exercise more and lose some weight.
I am working on quitting coffee, although that one is most difficult.

I'm sure there are others but that is what comes to mind. Hope you can find some cute little hobbit hole to call yours this year.

Mark said...

Have no idea what I am doing this year, except lose weight and get healthy again.

Maybe go to a shrink. I could use one.

Anonymous said...

This post is the heart of the reason you should be heading toward DC.