Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The U.S. National Figure Skating Championship is in Greensboro, I am not going.

Going to apply for my mortgage today.

Have not really found any other homes that appeal to me yet. Am I to picky? Maybe. Lots of ranch style homes. Uugh.

Temps are on the rise here. 50's around the corner. Maybe I'll start some plants this weekend. Get a head start on some things to dress up the porchette. Then I can transplant them when I move.

Started dieting. Salad for lunch everyday. Got to lose weight. I refuse to buy new jeans so the weight has to come off.

I like how northern Africa and parts of the middle east are coming apart in the name of freedom.

The gov't can't find any link between Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. Imagine that.

Need a shirt?


Tammy said...

Make sure you get what you want. Once you are moved in there will be plenty of little things you notice, some good some not. Don't settle for average my dear as YOU aren't average. We had raw beets in our salad this week and I thought of you!

Mark said...

How could you sin? Beets are the the republicans of food. Nasty and mean.

I did see another house that looks nice. In a more city style hood. Remodeled, under a quarter acre.

A 6 ft. ceiling may just have to work.

Now is a time when it would be nice if my parents were close. My dad has much advice to offer in looking at homes since he has done so much to theirs over the years.

Anonymous said...

Africa? No oil there; just useless diamonds down south.

As soon as you decide on a house and make the commitment; don't look in the "house for sale" ads again for at least two years because if you do you will find the one you THINK you wish you had waited for. House buying ain't a fun sport

I like beets with brown beans and biscuits.

Manning is on the sacrifice alter and nothing will get him off it as the government tries to save face.

I like the shirts; the ties are only good for covering ketchup stains.