Friday, January 21, 2011

China Cat Sunflower I Know you Rider

Some tasty little jamming for breakfast.

Glad it is Friday. I am going to do some house hunting this weekend and not much else. In a money lockdown for a while. Will need all cash available if I am moving soon.

I am getting sick of hearing everyone bitch about China taking our jobs. They, as a country as doing what they are supposed to do. What are we actually doing as a country to keep these jobs. No real policy from local, state or federal policy that I know of that is actually effective.

If I buy a house a golden retriever will be my house warming gift. One from a shelter.

Thank you Tammy. Spreading seeds for a positive change.

Ken, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am sure you are waiting for that first morning you cam bake in the sun on your porch.

Peace my friends.


Tammy said...

I wish China would be more environmentally responsible. It is shame that so much of their farmlands are turning into cities. I am sure that the older generation is sad for the loss of what they see as their culture. progress is not always so glamorous. You are welcome for the seeds. It's time for me to start my seedlings inside already. I'm going to try purple string beans this year and those peppers along with tons of flowers and the herb of the season?.... why it's chammomile and thyme. Good luck w/ house hunting. The yard will be pretty important to you I'm sure. Room for a firepit, garden spot, little shed, and some privacy would be nice I'd think. Then there is the space for the dog to be considered....

Anonymous said...

The labor situation in China is what gets me; most of the workers are treated not much better than slaves with American corporations condoning it. Child labor is common there as well as in many Central American sweatshop countries. I hold governments responsible for the welfare of their people ... all their people. If they don't uplift their people, we in US will have to sink to their level to compete. Yep, I blame the Chinese for pathetic human rights which has led to loss of American jobs by profit seeking and unscrupulous American corporations whom you and I buy from. Actually, other than forced boycotting of Chinese products, our government is helpless in reality to do anything about it. We are still a corporate run nation.

What kind of down payment you looking at; 10% to 20%? I was fortunate to find a seller who financed part of the down payment on our house; had that part of it paid off in three years.

You going to put a pool table in the living room? Women don't understand but the dog probably won't mind.

Mark said...

China is working on improving their environemtnal cleanup. They are still about a 3 on a scale of ten.

The governments of China, the U.S. and corporate America are to blame for the slave labor in China and we as a country are blind to it as we shop at Wal-Mart.

As for a home I want an older home with some character, yard for garden, shed, fire pit, porch/patio.
I would not want to have to take a ranch style home unless it had a decent size yard. An older house with a small yard is fine. Most newer stlye house lack imagination for my style.

10% max downpayment, seller pays closing costs, 30 mortgage at 5.25 or so. I can have my mortgage less than or equal to my rent.