Thursday, January 20, 2011

St. Stephen

Busy week at work, again. Business has been pretty good.

Going to see if I can borrow against my Roth IRA to use the money as a down payment for a house. Not sure what those rules are. I know there might be some tax rules that will make it a bad choice. Need to investigate this some more.

1,900 people lost their jobs yesterday in Greensboro.

Sorry, got nothing else.


Anonymous said...

I think the Roth may be taxes as regular income; probably be Fed and state.

Things must be looking great if only 1900 people lost their jobs in one day in one small city. An excerpt from a White House letter I received yesterday:
"And since the health care law was passed last year, our economy has created over 1 million private sector jobs and has grown at an average annual rate of 2.7 percent. There’s a lot more work to be done, but repealing the Affordable Care Act would be a step backward for our economy."

Tammy said...

Glad you didn't lose yours. My work has picked up a bit too. I just ordered a bunch of tins to make my salve/balm and some other herbal chemical-free products. I guess I'll go for it and see what happens. Some a-hole in my neighborhood moved away and left their 3-month old cat. So cute. he reminds me of Barney.

Mark said...

I think I can take a one time tax free deduction from my Roth for a new home purchase.

Your products will do quite well, I am sure of it.

Are you keeping the cat?