Friday, September 24, 2010

Sunny Days Ahead

Should be a great weekend. Autumn is coming this evening. Tomorrow were are going the Liberty Antique Fair in the morning then we are going down to Salisbury after that so I can show some of my work to a gallery. I think it should go well. It would be nice to be able to sell some work in a gallery.

I'll most likely head back to Salisbury on Sunday to go to see some of Autumn's friends and do some shooting. I have a place there I want to shooting. Did a little there last time and was not happy with how some of the shots came out.

I'll be happy when the work day is done today. The good thing is we are busy, but it has been a brutal week.

Thanks to the Republicans for the Pledge for America. Now go away. We really think you are idiots.
You want to eliminate Medicare, the Dept. of Education, the Healthcare plan, Social Security and Unemployment Compensation. Nice ideas, except for one thing. If we get rid of all that then I guess we can expect corporate America to pay its employees a much higher rate, that insurance companies will charge lower rates, that people actually lose jobs for valid reasons and then you will pay them a living wage while they look for another job. You are corporate whores, please go visit a gas chamber.

Picture is from my living room.


Tammy said...

Sunflowers... my favorite. They are a lovely variety also and look so great against your green wall.
I am so happy that you are hanging out with your new friend. You deserve to be at peace and content. I hoped Mike & could come see you soon, in Oct. the weekends ae getting used up. I'm taking him to go see Bellydance Superstars in JAX in mid-October. Google it.
Be well my dear. xoox Tamatha

Mark said...

These were great sunflowers. There are lots of them up here through the summer.

Maybe we can meet someplace some weekend. I have an idea on this.
Maybe Savannah for a day. I'd go to Autumn's and we could head down from here place. I think it is only an hour from her.

I am working on peace and contentment.

I'll check out the Superstars.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have some sunflowers like those all winter long to help lessen the cold weather blues.

Hope you have a great weekend. mine is probably going to be a bit wet on Saturday.

Republicans don't have a Newt in DC to get things done like with their last pact with America. Of course, Americans as a whole are retarded and don't know the difference.

Mark said...

I may try to get some sunflowers at the farmers market early in the morning before the flea market.
There should be some still out there.

Seems like rain and cool weather is moving in for the next few months.

Next weekend its off to the mountains for some cool weather.

Frightening how they lock stepped behind Newt. Worse nowadays.
Maybe we need to slip some acid into the water supply.