Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jesus Used Cars

I went to the doc yesterday and got another round of Prednisone and also got Omnaris. I hope the Omnaris works since it seems that none of the other prescription nasal sprays work worth a darn.

I will be going to the gallery in Salisbury Saturday afternoon and bringing some pictures with me to see if I can some gallery space. I will be bringing small 4 x6 prints for the most part and some larger sizes.
I am also going to look for other ways to showcase my pictures. I am going to look for old window frames and things like that to mount the pictures. I think some of my pictures will show quite well in frames with old worn wood.

I also bought some clear cases, like they use to display footballs, to make collages with the beach trash I have gathered up. I have a bag with some of that. Hopefully they come out well and there will be some interest in those.

Have a peaceful day my friends.


Tammy said...

Do I detect a note of positivity in your tone my friend? I'll have to hear your voice to get a better read on that.
Glad to hear you are finally getting around to taking care of you. I like the old worn wood frame ideas. It sounds like it will suit your medium.
are you going to put sand in the clear box to display the "beach trash?"

Anonymous said...

I hope the new med helps and good luck with your exhibit. The window or barn-wood frames is a good idea. When you going to take the pottery classes? Another Flickr contact is about to do so.

Anonymous said...

I meant to ask if you would buy a fine used car from the Jesus dealer?

Mark said...

That sound is what a good nights sleep does. My sinus problems make my voice sound not so good.

I need some sand.

Not sure about pottery classes right now.Down the round I'd be interested. I like pottery quite a bit. There needs to be something in the pottery world from my twisted thoughts.

I'd buy a car from Jesus if he offered the "heavenly" rebate.