Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Man did the Tea Baggers win last night. Election day is going to be very interesting this year. Actually scary if they win in November. America coming off the rails if that happens.

Trying to figure out why I always have to log in to everything I have that has passwords. Not sure what the problem is. Ran some tests and all seems fine. I think it has something to do with my anti virus software.

Work has been very busy lately. A little hectic really. A little slow down would be nice for a few days.

Got to run. Going in a little early to help them get the store ready to open this morning. We have somebody on vacation this week.

Asheville, NC.


Anonymous said...

Good shot; Asheville must be all art.

The Baggers did too good; ignorant Americans are sending a message.

Added any new stuff to the pc? You may be able to use System Restore to get things in order.

Mark said...

There is tons of art all over Asheville.

I ran a new malware program and it seems to have fixed the problem, for now.