Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rock On

So today while watching the Bucs lose again I saw something that I think is just stupid.
It is not a big thing, but it annoys me. I saw the woman at the table in front of me eating her chicken wings with a fork and knife. She would hold a chicken wing with a napkin, pick some chicken off with the knife and eat it using the fork. Come on now. You eat chicken wings with your hands.
I got some good pictures yesterday, including some more of the Underwood Motel sign. It is slowly being consumed by plants. I would guess in a year from now you will hardly be able to see it at all.
Have another tough week coming at work. We were short a person last week. Jonathan, one of the three who is in the office everyday, was in the hospital. He went in last weekend for what he thought was kidney stones. Well not so lucky. He had a tear in his colon. It actually burst when they had him in the cat scan machine. They actually saw it happen. He is lucky he was at the hospital when this happened. Could have been much much worse. He will be out of work this week for sure and maybe next week. Then I am on vacation. Thankfully.
The holding company that owned us has sold us. The new owners are called Prophet Equity.
I think this should be good. We will be the main focus of their investment. They are looking to buy other company's and grow the company that way. We shall see. It will be nice to be the main focus of the investors. I missed most of the conference call about this, the store was super busy, but on thing that the person who was going over the purchase stated was they are Christians. Big fucking whoop. That has no place on the call announcing that your company has been sold. It is not their website, so why does that need to be mentioned.
Photo is in Asheville.


Tammy said...

Chicken Wings: chicken wings are gross, they have little bits of wonderful chicken goodness surrounding by veins, fat, and other body parts I'd rather not think of. I admit.. you would hate watching me eat them. I stop at the fork/knife thing but I do use my fingers and pick my delicate way through them, Mike usually sifts through my plate when I'm done and cleans them up.

New company hey? raise in the making? Come on now, you know good christian owners want to keep their employees happy! Christians are BETTER than any other type of owner! I agree, why use religion in this way? If a company outwardly promotes that it is "christian" I will go out of my way to avoid it and tell everyone within earshot why. Horseshit is what I say. If I was a spitting girl, I would do so. As soon as religion stops being a quiet personal choice it turns into terrorism as far as I'm concerned.

Glad to hear vacation is right around the corner again for you. Tia is considering a camp-out for Thanksgiving weekend and wants us to come. You know, I may just drag Mike and go to Alexander Springs if we can get a spot. Are you interested? pondering it all..

She is amazing Mark, I can't wait until you can spend time with her again. She is just perfect, together, beautiful, and I can't stop wondering how I got so lucky to get such an amazing daughter.

good week my brother... xoxo Tamatha, the Butterfly Goddess of the South.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I don't like chicken, but when I did, it was grab and eat; no tools necessary.

Most of the time I feel like I am owned by Christianity.

Mark said...

I love chicken wings. However I do not like the way chickens are raised.

Who knows what the new company will bring as far as raises. I hope we get one. I can not go another year without a raise.

I am going camping soon. I'll have to see about Thanksgiving. The weather will need to be cooler.

Ken, the Christians want to own us.