Your whole vision is clouded because I know you that you do not like me one single bit. I know you wanted me to be fired earlier this year. You think I make too much money. You have told people that you are not sure of what my value is to the company. Since you have terminated so much staff over the past 18 months I am now doing the jobs of two and half other employees beside what I am supposed to be doing. How the hell is one supposed to properly do ones original job when you are spread so thin. Remember I hear all you have to say about me. You view of me is so clouded by dislike you have no idea who I am.
You claim to be this super Catholic and are always trying to sneak little Christian themes in conversation where you think you can. Believe me I notice this and it pisses me off. You see the thing is I do not care if you are a Christian and want to pass some of this of were you think you can. Your actions show me that you need to practice what you preach. Go back and read your bible and understand what it is saying to you. REPENT NOW.
Sons-of-bitches like your boss know when they have people by the short hairs. As the saying goes, "the sun don't shine on the same dog's ass all the time".
I can't wait for his day of reckoning. That will be a glorious day. I can only hope I have something to do with it.
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