Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Between BP and the gov't there has been quite a lot of poor and inept reaction for this whole mess. How can this really have been going on for so long, stunningly poor reactions from all party's involved.
The thing I wonder about is, where is all the oil? How much of this is still below the surface just floating and drifting along with the currents. I suspect that there is quite a bit that we have not seen. There needs to be some group that goes out and reports the full scope of the oil that we can see. If you watch the news they are basically reporting the same story each night and never really give any information about the full scope of the slick. They show images from satellites, but nothing from anybody out any distance from shore. Why?
The gov'ts reaction is pathetic, no leadership. Wake up you bums.


Anonymous said...

Interesting photo; the graffiti clinches its uniqueness.

My opinion on the oil. It is spewing out of the well so fast that a big portion of it is mixing with water and is large and small globs slowly spreading on the currents and settling on the sea floor. One thing for sure, BP cannot afford the cleanup, and even if they could manage it, they wouldn't. You know who is holding the bag.

Tammy said...

People won't be outraged until it affects their little part of the waterfront. Otherwise, I sense an indifference. as in... oh something that is happening someplace else and doesn't affect us. My heart breaks absolutely for the sea critters large and small. Animals are going to perish by the millions. We will never get over this environmentally, ever.

Mark said...

I agree that much of the oil is sitting on the bottom.

This will be a moajot problem just like in Alaska. All will look good on the surface, however things are still screwed up there and Exxon never really paid for that mess.